Earth Attack
This ebook edition published in 2012
Franklin Watts
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978 1 4451 1348 7
Franklin Watts is a division of Hachette Children’s Books,
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How to be a hero
This book is not like others you may have read. You are the hero of this adventure. It is up to you to make decisions that will affect how the adventure unfolds.
Each section of this book is numbered. At the end of most sections, you will have to make a choice. The choice you make will take you to a different section of the book.
Some of your choices will help you to complete the adventure successfully. But choose carefully, some of your decisions could be fatal!
If you fail, then start the adventure again and learn from your mistake.
If you choose correctly you will succeed in your mission.
Don’t be a zero, be a hero!
The story so far…
You are a member of a Special Forces military unit. You have been involved in many dangerous missions and have won many medals for your bravery. You are skilled in all forms of combat and weaponry. You have been recruited by Earth Defence to undertake a highly dangerous mission.
Earth Defence is an ultra-secret unit whose job is to defend Earth from attacks by hostile alien forces. The Earth Defence HQ, called Area 61, is based inside a mountain.
You have been given an amazing piece of technology to help you with your quest. It is a Defence Armed-Response Teleportation suit (DART for short). Not only does the suit have an incredible weapons system, but it also allows you to travel to distant planets and different dimensions.
Its inventor is an alien member of Earth Defence, called QTee. He is the technical genius behind all of their weapons and equipment.
Earth was attacked by Hurrikano, the ruler of Airworld, Vulkana, the ruler of Fireworld and Arktos, the ruler of Iceworld.
You stopped the attacks by travelling to their planets and destroying them. You have also captured the crystals that powered their staffs. QTee has placed them in the DART suit, which means that you now have control over the elements of air, fire and ice.
You will need them, because you know that having defeated Tyranno’s followers, the Starlord will now take matters into his own hands…
Go to 1.
You are writing up your report of your latest fight against Tyranno’s followers, when the emergency alarms ring out across Area 61.
Agent Lee bursts into the room. “We’re under attack! We need you in the DART suit now!”
You rush to the OPS room, where Agent Lee is studying the bank of screens on the wall. You stare at them in amazement. “What is that thing?” you ask.
QTee replies, “Scanners indicate that it is some kind of creature made up from elements of metal, rocks and crystals. It seems to have been ripped up from out of the Earth!”
“Do you think this is something to do with Tyranno?” you ask.
QTee nods. “I’m sure it is…”
“Well, wherever that thing has come from, it’s trying to smash its way into the base,” says Agent Roberts. “We’ve scrambled the security forces, but normal weapons aren’t having any effect on it. It’s trying to break through the steel entrance.”
You smile. “Then there’s no time to lose.” You make your way to the DART suit and step into it. “Let’s get going,” you say. “Teleport me to a position behind the creature. That way we’ll surprise it.”
“We don’t know what we’re dealing with here,” says QTee. “Perhaps we should arm the suit with some of my special weapons.”
If you want to attack the creature immediately, go to 15.
If you want to arm the suit with special weapons, go to 36.
“Attack with ice,” you order.
Jets of cold water pour from the weapon system and immediately freeze on contact with the skeleton droids. Your enemies are imprisoned in huge blocks of ice. They cannot move and their weapons are useless.
“Stay cool,” you say as you make your way past the droids and head onwards to your showdown with Tyranno.
Go to 22.
The light disappears and you find yourself drifting in space. Thousands of stars twinkle in the blackness of the void.
“Where am I?” you ask.
“Unknown location,” reports the suit.
“Teleport to Earth,” you say in desperation.
“Unable to locate Earth,” the suit replies. “All systems failing…”
You look into the vastness of the universe knowing that this is the end for you. Soon your air supply will run out…
You have become just another piece of space debris. Begin your quest again by going to 1.
You look at the screen. “All right. What do you want?”
Tyranno smiles. “So you are the creature who managed to defeat my followers?”
You nod. “That’s me. What about it?”
“You interest me,” replies Tyranno. “You seem to be a worthy adversary. You must have special powers. I wish to meet you.”
“Where are you?”
“Closer than you think. Look to the skies!”
QTee switches the screens to look outside.
There is a bright flash and a huge rip opens up in the sky. From it emerges a huge, black, skull-shaped artificial planet!
“The Deathworld!” says QTee. “It’s torn through the dimensions of space! It must have been heading to Earth while we were dealing with Tyranno’s followers.”
Tyranno speaks. “So will you meet me? I am told you can teleport. I will send the coordinates…”
If you want to agree to Tyranno’s request, go to 23.
If you want to ask for time to consider Tyranno’s request, go to 33.
If you don’t want to meet Tyranno, go to 12.
“Let’s get on with the mission,” you say.
At that moment, Tyranno’s face reappears on the screens. “Enough delays. I am sending the teleportation codes.”
QTee programs them into the suit, but makes the slight change you wanted. “Good luck,” he whispers.
“Teleport,” you order. The familiar white light surrounds you. Seconds later it dies down and you find yourself standing in a huge room, containing a moving 3D map of the universe. You realise that you are in the heart of the Deathworld.
There are several alien beings floating around the room. They seem to be observing the movement of the stars and planets, and haven’t noticed you.
“Identify,” you ask the suit.
The suit scans the aliens. “The creatures are known as watchers. I have no other data.”
To attack the creatures, go to 45.
If you wish to locate Tyranno, go to 34.
As you speed towards your showdown with Tyranno, the suit sounds a warning alarm.
“Enemy forces ahead. One hundred metres.”
“Reduce speed and scan,” you say.
The suit drops gently to the floor and reports to you. “Robot s
erpents. Highly dangerous.”
You know time is running out — you have to make a decision.
To switch to stealth mode and attempt to avoid the creatures, go to 13.
To attack the serpents with your eGun, go to 8.
To attack them with fire, go to 48.
You realise that metal ammunition will only add to the creature’s power, so you attack it with your eGun.
You blast the creature, but it remains standing. It lurches towards you, its enormous hands reaching out for you.
If you wish to fly away, go to 26.
To continue with your attack, go to 49.
You shoot the creatures with your eGun. Streams of energy blasts hit your enemies and they explode into atoms. The creatures are no match for your weaponry and they are soon left in smouldering pieces.
You speed through the passages of Deathworld until you reach the star chamber — Tyranno’s control centre. You are surprised that it is not guarded. You are about to sneak in when, to your further amazement, the doors open. A voice booms out.
If you wish to enter, go to 21.
To shoot into the room first, go to 44.
“OK, I’ll teleport up. Transfer the coordinates.” You turn to QTee. “Program them into the suit.” The inventor does so.
Seconds later there is a flash of light and a roaring sound as you are teleported through space. Then the light dies away and you find yourself in a huge chamber. Ahead of you is Tyranno. He is sitting on a giant throne.
The Starlord’s voice booms out. “Welcome! It is interesting to meet the creature that defeated my followers. In fact I have a proposal for you.”
If you wish to take the opportunity to attack Tyranno now, go to 38.
To listen to what he has to say, go to 28.
You know that time is running out and you have to take the risk.
You take route one, through the minefield. The star mines hover menacingly in the air. As you approach, some of the mines begin to move towards you. They start to vibrate and flash red.
“Detonation imminent!” warns the suit.
To avoid the minefield, and take route two after all, go to 16.
To try to fly straight through the minefield, go to 35.
To shoot at the star mines with your ice weapon, go to 19.
“Get me out of here,” you tell the suit. “Super speed!”
The suit responds, but Tyranno holds up his hands and the whole star chamber lights up with streams of toxic energy beams that pour out from his body. They fill the room, bouncing off the walls and hitting you again and again…
The DART suit’s circuits spark and melt. You drop to the ground. “Teleport back to Earth,” you whisper.
The suit does not respond. Its systems have been destroyed. You lie there, helpless…
Go to 39.
“I don’t think so,” you reply.
“Very well. You had the opportunity to save your pathetic planet. Goodbye!”
Tyranno disappears and the screens now show what is happening in the skies above Area 61. Thousands of spaceships suddenly appear, firing heavy laser weapons, missiles and bombs. Area 61 rocks as the weapons explode on the mountainside.
QTee shakes his head. “We’re finished…” he says.
You can only watch helplessly as Tyranno’s forces continue their devastating attack. There is no hope for Earth — Tyranno will soon be its master…
Earth is doomed! If you wish to begin your adventure again, go to 1.
I don’t have time to fight these, you think. “Stealth mode.”
The suit obeys and you head slowly towards the serpents.
At that moment an alarm bleeps out down the corridors of the Deathworld. The serpents begin speaking to each other. You tell the suit to translate what they are saying.
“The invasion of Earth is about to begin. All forces are to make their way to the spaceship launch bays.”
You realise that stealth is too slow, you have to get to Tyranno!
“Super speed!”
You come out of stealth mode, revealing yourself to the serpents. They open their mouths and spit deadly missiles at you! The air is filled with explosions and you are buffeted around.
To try to avoid the attack, go to 31.
To attack the serpents with your eGun, go to 8.
To attack the serpents with fire, go to 48.
Before you can begin your attack, QTee’s voice crackles through your communications link. “Tyranno knows you are on the Deathworld. He knows we’ve tricked him! He is going to attack Earth…” Then the signal goes dead.
You know you have to act quickly and get to Tyranno.
The droids storm towards you, firing bolts of energy from their weapons.
You easily evade the incoming bolts and return fire with your eGun. You take out a couple of the skeleton droids, but more join in the attack. You have to change tactics!
If you wish to try and evade the droids, go to 31.
If you wish to attack the droids using your power over ice, go to 2.
If you wish to attack the droids with fire, go to 48.
“There’s no time for that,” you tell the inventor. “I’m sure the missiles and eGun will be good enough to take this thing down. If not, I can always hit it with some fire or ice.” You step into the DART suit and it closes around your body.
“Teleport,” you order. A bright light envelops you.
Seconds later, the light fades and you find yourself standing behind the creature. It places its giant hand on the steel doors, which dissolve and pass into the creature’s body, causing it to grow even bigger! You realise that you must attack immediately.
To attack the creature with missiles, go to 43.
To attack with your eGun, go to 7.
“Avoid the minefield, take route two!” you tell the suit.
Soon you are flying through the dark passages and corridors of the Deathworld. Minutes pass and a gnawing fear grows in your stomach that you are taking too long.
“Increase speed,” you order.
But before the suit can respond it gives out a warning. “Enemy ahead. Alien zombies!
Primitive, but dangerous.”
The nightmare creatures see you and shuffle towards you. They are slow, but some of them have laser guns. They open fire.
“Evasive action!” you cry.
The suit veers to avoid the incoming laser beams.
If you wish to use your eGun, go to 27.
If you wish to attack with fire, go to 48.
“If you don’t call off your attack,” you tell Tyranno, “I will detonate a vortex bomb. It will send you and all your forces into a dimension beyond time and space.”
Tyranno laughs. “And now you have told me about it! You fool!”
Before you can detonate the bomb, Tyranno blasts you with a toxic energy bolt. You drop into blackness.
Some time later you wake up. Tyranno is sitting on his crystal skull throne.
“Why am I still alive?” you ask.
The Starlord laughs. “I wanted you to see the death of your planet and know that no one can stand up against my power.”
You look outside and watch as Earth burns under Tyranno’s deadly attack, knowing that you have failed to save humanity.
Then Tyranno turns back to you. “I will keep you alive — the last surviving human being. It will be a fate worse than death.”
You will spend the rest of your days as Tyranno’s pet. Go back to 1.
“I’ll come up and see you,” you reply. “But we’ll need a few minutes to reprogram my DART suit to enable your teleportation codes to work.”
Tyranno ponders before replying. “Very well, you have ten minutes.” The screen goes
QTee immediately begins to work on the suit. “You now have the powers of ice, air and fire embedded in the suit. You have your normal weapons systems, but I’m also going to arm the suit with a vortex bomb. This is a weapon that you should only use as a last resort.”
If you want to get on with the mission, go to 5.
If you wish to find out more about the vortex bomb, go to 40.
You control your ice power to form a freezing cloud of ice crystals. They filter through the minefield, covering the mines before they can explode. The star mines drop to the floor, encased in a thick sheet of ice.
You continue to take out the mines and have soon cleared the way forward.
“All mines destroyed,” announces the suit.
Time is still against you. You have to get to Tyranno as quickly as possible. “Super speed,” you order.
Go to 6.
You step into the DART suit as QTee begins to attach the weapons and program them into the computer.
Alarms ring out across Area 61. “Get a move on,” yells Agent Lee. “That thing is inside the base!”
Suddenly there is a huge explosion. The OPS room shakes with the force of the blast.
“The creature must have got into the power room!” screams Agent Lee. “You’ve got to do something!”
But before you can react, another huge explosion rips through the room.
“You took too long,” you hear Agent Lee shout as the lights go out. You are crushed as the ceiling collapses.
Get a move on back to 1.
You decide to enter the room, cautiously.
You step forward into Tyranno’s star chamber. A force field crackles around you. Ahead of you is Tyranno. He is sitting on a giant crystal skull throne.
Tyranno’s voice fills the room. “So you decided to try to trick me, you foolish creature! Did you not think that I have been following your every move, ever since you arrived on my world?”
“So why didn’t you kill me?” you ask.
“I have my reasons,” he replies. “But first I have a proposal for you.”
If you want to listen to what Tyranno has to say, go to 28.
If you wish to attack him with your eGun, go to 38.
If you wish to use your control over fire to attack Tyranno, go to 47.
The DART suit’s NAV system sends you through the corridors of the Deathworld. You know you have to move quickly to try to stop Tyranno issuing the order to invade Earth. However, the suit suddenly reduces power. “Warning! Star mines ahead!”